July 20, 2021: 2021 Quarter 2 Stakeholders Report
Greetings Humans! (And those that work with them.)
Since our last report, we’ve been busy with our summer competition season. We started with our first virtual International SeaPerch Challenge which brought together inspiring speakers, motivated students, passionate educators and advocates to share and celebrate the teams’ accomplishments. Although we missed seeing everyone in person, we are very proud of what we accomplished as a community and are excited to share some of the highlights in this report. SeaPerch is the entry point on RoboNation’s pathway of programs. Participation often ignites students’ interest in exploring what’s next. That question was a central theme throughout the Challenge sessions but the best answer came from Dr. Robert Ballard, our keynote speaker and the deep-sea explorer who found the Titanic. When asked by a student, “What is the next step for me now that I’ve built a SeaPerch ROV?”, Dr. Ballard said it best. “Autonomous vehicles. Autonomy is the future.” At RoboNation, we couldn’t agree more with Dr. Ballard’s quote, especially since it is the perfect segue into the rest of our 2021 summer lineup with our autonomous vehicle competitions: IGVC, RoboBoat, RoboSub, and IARC. (You can visit robonation.org to learn what those acronyms mean and to discover our range of answers to, “what’s next?” We’ll be back with results from those events in our next report, but in the meantime we hope you are enjoying your summer and having fun building some bots.Download the Report
Our circuits are overloaded with the excitement of releasing this Stakeholders Report.
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