
’21 NOV RoboNation Community Hour: MathWorks

Deep Learning for Object Detection | Presented by MathWorks Friday, November 5, 2021, at 7:00pm – 8:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time  The 2022 RoboNation Season has officially kicked off and we’re already diving deep! Find your awesome and choose a 2022 competition to attempt this season! Visit As a member of the RoboNation community focused on autonomy, you are invited to the next RoboNation Community Hour on Friday, November 5th at 7:00 pm Eastern Daylight time. In this session, MathWorks will teach us how to design deep learning based perception systems for robots and unmanned vehicles using MATLAB and Simulink. This session will cover topics like:
  • Pre-processing and labeling data for deep learning, designing, and training deep neural networks in MATLAB
  • Importing and working with neural networks designed and trained in third party environments like TensorFlow, PyTorc, etc
  • Deploying trained neural networks to NVIDIA GPUs for inference acceleration
Resources for Deep Learning for Object Detection Session Click on this link to download files needed for this session: 🔗 Files for Deep Learning for Object Detection 🔗 Click on the following link to request complimentary licenses for RoboNation Competition teams: 🔗 Request licenses for MathWorks complimentary software 🔗 Are Community Hours For Me? RoboNation Community Hour sessions are for all humans interested in revolutionizing robotics, cybersecurity, networks, sensors and big data. Technology is not static, and RoboNation aims to present information to support our efforts to learn together as a community. ➡️ Community Hour Registration  ⬅️ Questions?  Contact us at

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