Special Offers
Special Offers
Check out some incredible perks.
Perks from our Sponsors
MathWorks is proud to sponsor the RoboNation Competitions. Each Team participating in a competition is eligible for an offer of Complimentary Software License(s). MathWorks is the leading developer of mathematical computing software for engineers and scientists.
This software offering will give you access to training and technical support along with MathWorks’ community of 100,000 MATLAB & Simulink users through MATLAB Central.
Offer eligible for the following Programs:
![DS SolidWorks Logo](https://robonation.org/app/uploads/2019/08/SolidWorks-Primary-Logo-Horizontal-Red-on-White.png)
Student teams now have the choice of using our SOLIDWORKS desktop product, which includes over twelve powerful design, and engineering products. OR the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, a cloud-based portfolio of integrated tools and apps. Teams can apply for both sponsorships separately if they choose.
To apply, visit the link below for “student sponsorships.”
Offer eligible for the following Programs:
![Autodesk Logo](https://robonation.org/app/uploads/2019/09/Autodesk_sponsor_web.png)
Autodesk is pleased to offer students and educators participating in RoboNation competitions free access to Autodesk® software and learning resources. All software is intended for ages 13+ unless otherwise noted.
What are you waiting for? Access your complimentary software now!
Offer eligible for the following Programs:
More Information
![Polyform logo](https://robonation.org/app/uploads/2023/11/polyform_logo_RGB.png)
Polyform has generously offered RoboBoat and RobotX competitors a discounted price to purchase the same buoys RoboNation uses during competition. Click here to find out more about Polyform here.
A-0 buoys: $25.41 USD unit price
A-2 buoys: $41.31 USD unit price
If you’re interested in placing an order, contact Barbara Foss: barb@polyformus.com.
Offer eligible for the following Programs:
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